Finding Freedom: The Farewell Tour

200 Women on Assignment


If you have been:
  • feeling the pull of being called into your assignment every day as you make your way to your corporate job
  • ​passed over for a promotion and opportunities that you know were supposed to be yours
  • ​wondering what your friends and family would say about going full-time in your business & leaving corporate
  • ​rocking that good corporate job with the great benefits, and don't know how you're going to leave to pursue your assignment business while providing for your loved ones
  • ​intimately acquainted with the pressure of proving yourself and working twice as hard as your colleagues to get noticed
  • ​making your company tons of money but find yourself still struggling financially
  • disappointing yourself over and over because you've set your exit date multiple times before...but you're still at your corporate job
  • anticipating the freedom that comes with being full-time in your assignment business--working with whoever and on whatever you want whenever you want to work
  • feeling the pull of the impact you are called to make and you can no longer ignore it 



Affirm your assignment business--what you do and who you do it for.
Get clear on how you communicate to those you serve and how you share your offer.
Build receipts and testimonials and receive feedback about your offer.
Build your brand authority with other women on-assignment. 

Upon completing this challenge you will: 

•  Understand the difference between an interest and an assignment and how that impacts what you should do next
•  Gain confidence in your ability to leave corporate 
•  Feel empowered to share what you do and who you do it for
•  Secure the support to look beyond keeping the lights on, and instead towards your path to your best life revenue
To step into your assignment is to answer your calling. 

To leave a corporate environment is to take back your power. 

If there is a part of you that hears that and wants to call back and say “I’m here!” then we are here to lift you up. 


Gain real testimonials from real people about the real work that you will really do to really help them in this challenge.


This challenge is an opportunity to hear invaluable feedback from your client avatar about your offer. 


Are you devoting your efforts to an interest or an assignment? Learn the difference, and determine your next move. 

Meet Your Support Coaches

Chasity Snow

Chasity Snow is the CEO of Ambition, Honey & Hustle, and the Founder of the Reckless Babe Tribe. She’s a pattern-interrupting, real talk, out-of-the-box creating coach and author who helps women build confidence, lifts voices, and provides sisterhood as they chase their dreams of authorpreneurship and entrepreneurship. 

Candace Spears

Candace Spears is an influential serial entrepreneur in the coaching and tech space solving audacious problems at the scale, speed and service of spirit. She and her team focus on supporting those entrepreneurs who can’t see themselves at their most free and powerful... yet. Also host of the highly-acclaimed Ambition, Honey and Hustle podcast, Candace is a mom of 3, wife to one, and lover of bringing businesses, experiences and bold, God-given identity to life.

RuDee Sade

RuDee is a growth strategist whose calling is justice and whose side hustle is making people money. From startups to social enterprises, with pit stops at Fortune 500s and South by Southwest, she’s created over $12M with her clients while living and working for justice alongside impacted communities. 

Colleen Falk

Colleen Falk, changing lives!!! Providing strategic planning and process improvements with a tool box to help women navigate change and lead diverse teams.
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